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December 2016 we went to Madrid on a school trip and visited some museums (El Prado, Thyssen-Bornemisza) and many important monuments such as the Cathedral, the Royal Palace and the so called Barrio de las Letras. We could not miss out on a couple of musicals: Cabaret and The Lion King. We visited Toledo as well and enjoyed the city architecture and the impressive Burial of the Count of Orgaz by El Greco. This school trip was organised by the Department of History together with the Spanish Language and the English Language Departments

A visit to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid: Young Knight in a Landscape by V. Carpaccio and Venus and Cupid by P. P. Rubens. Students from IES Al-Ándalus (Almuñécar) and our Language assistant Alana Lundberg

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